44 research outputs found

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    Development of Lycoriella ingenua and Bradysia impatiens on different phases of agaricus composts

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    Fungus gnats are small, dark colored, mosquito like fragile insects. They can be encountered all around the world, excluding places with extreme climate. Gnats prefer habitats that are damp with high relative humidity and rich in organic debris. Most of the species are not considered to be harmful in agriculture, but some may cause serious damage, especially in forcing of vegetable or ornamental plants. In mushroom production, however, they are considered as the most destructive pests; the damage caused by them alone can result in huge loss for mushroom farmers. In the Hungarian mushroom industry, fungus gnats damage mainly white-button mushroom, oyster mushroom and pioppino productions. Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour, 1839) and Bradysia impatiens (Johannsen, 1912) are the two most commonly found fungus gnat species from the family Sciaridae on Hungarian mushroom farms. We have conducted an experiment with the two aforementioned species, to find out, whether they can fully develop into adults, feeding purely on Agaricus compost diet. We used unspawned white button mushroom compost (phase 2) and spawned compost which has been colonized by the mycelia of Agaricus bisporus (phase 3). We did not conduct any experiment with the first compost phase, as it undergoes pasteurization, which eliminates any pests in it. We recorded emerging gnats only from phase 2 compost. Neither L. ingenua, nor B. impatiens could complete its development on phase 3 compost diet, furthermore not even pupae were observed in these breeding pots. From pots containing phase 2 compost, a total of 1607 adults emerged. The number of B. impatiens adults was 653, and 954 for L. ingenua. Sex ratios for the two species were different. For B. impatiens, the number of females was 1.36 times greater than that of males, in L. ingenua there were 1.7 times more males than females in total. Swarming took approximately 6 days for B. impatiens and 10 days for L. ingenua. From the experiment we can conclude that phase 3 compost, which is well interwoven with Agaricus bisporus mycelia is not suitable for B. impatiens and L. ingenua to complete their whole life cycle

    A kétspórás csiperkegomba (Agaricus bisporus) termesztésben alkalmazott több dúsítóanyag hatása a Lycoriella ingenua fejlődésére

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    Gallouédec Louis. L’enseignement public au Maroc. In: La revue pédagogique, tome 71, Juillet-Décembre 1917. pp. 313-339

    Development of Lycoriella ingenua and Bradysia impatiens on different phases of agaricus composts

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    Fungus gnats are small, dark colored, mosquito like fragile insects. They can be encountered all around the world, excluding places with extreme climate. Gnats prefer habitats that are damp with high relative humidity and rich in organic debris. Most of the species are not considered to be harmful in agriculture, but some may cause serious damage, especially in forcing of vegetable or ornamental plants. In mushroom production, however, they are considered as the most destructive pests; the damage caused by them alone can result in huge loss for mushroom farmers. In the Hungarian mushroom industry, fungus gnats damage mainly whitebutton mushroom, oyster mushroom and pioppino productions. Lycoriella ingenua (DUFOUR, 1839) and Bradysia impatiens (JOHANNSEN, 1912) are the two most commonly found fungus gnat species from the family Sciaridae on Hungarian mushroom farms. We have conducted an experiment with the two aforementioned species, to find out, whether they can fully develop into adults, feeding purely on Agaricus compost diet. We used unspawned white button mushroom compost (phase 2) and spawned compost which has been colonized by the mycelia of Agaricus bisporus (phase 3). We did not conduct any experiment with the first compost phase, as it undergoes pasteurization, which eliminates any pests in it. We recorded emerging gnats only from phase 2 compost. Neither L. ingenua, nor B. impatiens could complete its development on phase 3 compost diet, furthermore not even pupae were observed in these breeding pots. From pots containing phase 2 compost, a total of 1607 adults emerged. The number of B. impatiens adults was 653, and 954 for L. ingenua. Sex ratios for the two species were different. For B. impatiens, the number of females was 1.36 times greater than that of males, in L. ingenua there were 1.7 times more males than females in total. Swarming took approximately 6 days for B. impatiens and 10 days for L. ingenua. From the experiment we can conclude that phase 3 compost, which is well interwoven with Agaricus bisporus mycelia is not suitable for B. impatiens and L. ingenua to complete their whole life cycle

    Arterivírusok vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a hazai izolátumok genetikai tulajdonságaira = Investigation of arteriviruses with special regard to the genomic characteristics of local isolates

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    Az elmúlt négy évben vizsgáltuk a két állategészségügyi szempontból fontos arterivírus, a sertések szaporodásbiológiai zavarokkal és légzőszervi tünetekkel járó tünetegyüttesét előidéző vírus (PRRSV) és a lovak fertőző arteritisét előidéző vírus (EAV) hazai elterjedtségét és megállapítottuk, hogy mindkét vírus hazai előfordulása elmarad a nyugat-európai országokban megfigyelttől. Mindkét vírusfertőzés diagnosztikájában kidolgoztuk és széleskörűen alkalmaztuk az RT-PCR alapú diagnosztikai módszert. Az amplifikációs termékek nukleotid-sorrendjének meghatározása után vizsgáltuk a két vírus filogenetikai viszonyait magyarországi és a környező országokból származó pozitív minták felhasználásával, továbbá összehasonlítottuk ezeket a nemzetközi génbankban elhelyezett szekvenciákkal is. A PriProET és Taqman technikára valamint valós idejű RT-PCR eljárásra alapozott módszerekkel a vírusfertőzések in vitro és in vivo zajló kinetikájáról tudtunk adatokat gyűjteni. Eredményeinket nyolc referált szakfolyóiratben megjelent vagy közlésre elfogadott közleményben és két PhD értekezésben közöltük illetve foglaltuk össze. | In the four years of the study period the occurrence of the two arteriviruses of veterinary significance, the porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and the equine arteritis virus has been investigated, and it was demonstrated, that the presence of both viruses is lower then in the Western European countries. An RT-PCR based diagnostic method has been developed and routinely applied in the diagnosis of both viral infections. After sequencing the amplicons the phylogenetic relationship of the viruses was investigated using positive samples collected in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries, and these were compared to sequences deposited in the GenBank. Data were collected on the in vitro and in vivo kinetics of the virus multiplication using methods based on PriProET and Taqman technique and real time RT-PCR methods. The results were published and summarised in eight articles published in peer reviewed periodicals and in two PhD theses

    Full-length genome sequence analysis of a Hungarian Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus isolated from severe respiratory disease

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    The authors report the isolation of a Type 1 PRRSV strain from a clinical outbreak of severe respiratory problems and high fever. Next generation sequencing was used to determine the complete genome sequence of the isolate (9625/2012). The virus belongs to a new branch within subtype 1, clade D, containing mostly Spanish sequences and shows highest similarity to PRRSV Olot/1991 and to the Amervac vaccine strain. SimPlot analysis performed with the available full-length genome sequences indicates no evidences of recombination. Mutation analysis of 9625/2012 and the most related strains revealed high proportion of amino acid substitutions in the putative neutralizing epitopes, suggesting an important role of the selective immune pressure in the evolution of PRRSV 9625/2012